I Always Sleep Naked

join if you sleep naked

I have slept nude since I was young. When I was recently in the hospital for neck and back surgery,I was nude except for the hospital gown that they just laid over me to cover my body, then the sheet. twice a day a nurse would change the dressings on my surgical areas and get a great look at me naked I think some of the actually enjoyed seeing me . I also had a male nurse that would sponge bathe me. He enjoyed it as much as I did . He told me that he was a nudist and would be naked all the time at home.

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RE: Sleeping nude

when i was 19 i had a fusion done to my neck they took a bone from my hip got to wear just a gown the hole time and nurses checking my hip twice a day and when it was time to go home the doctors told my parents not to let me wear jeans or undrewear so that i would heal

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RE: Sleeping nude

same here and neck surgery and only wore a gown

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