I Always Sleep Naked

join if you sleep naked

I have never worn clothes to sleep in its just wrong!

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RE: I have never worn clothes to sleep in its just wrong!

I get restless if I wear anything, The only time i was wearing any night clothes was wilst in Hospital, and even then I could not sleep properly.

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RE: I have never worn clothes to sleep in its just wrong!

I've been sleeping in the nude for over 13 years now and it feels good, in the winter months I have the covers over me and in the summer months I just sleep on top of the bed so it's no big deal. Live alone as well so that's an advantage. When I have a friend over sometimes he sleeps nude with me as well, so it's more fun that way.

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RE: I have never worn clothes to sleep in its just wrong!

The odd time I have covered up when I have stayed at somebody else's house but next time I wont bother as it felt wrong and in one case she knows I normally sleep nude.

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RE: I have never worn clothes to sleep in its just wrong!

Been sleeping nude from the age of 7. I find it bothersome to wear anything to bed now. So, guess I will be sleeping nude the rest of my life :)

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