I Always Sleep Naked

For those who enjoy sleeping nude. Para aqueles que curtem dormir n.

Have you got up to deal with an emergency during the night, only to realize you are naked afterwards.
I've had minor events when visitors have set off the house alarm in the night and then been surprised when seeing me clearing the alarm in the nude. There was one time when we heard water running and went down to find the ground floor flooded. After turning off the water we spent hours bailing the water out of the front door which opens direct on to the street. We realized we were naked only when we'd finished and started with the mop. I wonder what would happen if there was a fire. Maybe the firemen would offer us blankets.

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RE: Emergency

I also just deal with the situation. I used to keep something available to cover up but now it's all in another room so why not just deal with the situation au naturals?

Jim Shedd

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RE: Emergency

My PRIMARY concern - unless I have company staying with me - is to get ME AND THE CAT out of the house in an emergency. If the neighbors cannot handle SEEING MY JUNK while MY HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN, well, F*** 'EM....

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RE: Emergency

A friend of mine is a nurse. They had a problem one evening with a machine that started smoking and set off the alarm. After things got under control, she talked to the fire crew. They told her about their call from the previous night... at a strip club! They enjoyed handing out the blankets to the women who were significantly less dressed than "normal."

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RE: Emergency

I awoke at 3am this morning and noticed someone had left the lights on in the Village Hall. So I got upmade the 10 minute walkto the Hall, still naked, barefoot and carrying nothing. My security light lit me up as I left the house but that mad no difference as all the street lights were on. I used the code to get in, silenced the alarm, turned off the lights and locked up. I returned across the sports field and remember how bitterly cold the grass felt under my bare feet. I was back in bed at 3.30, job done.

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RE: Emergency

My elderly mother fell out of her bed and started shouting to help her, I woke up jumped out of bed and ran through to her room and managed to help her get back into bed by easing her up till she was back on top of the bed, whilst completely naked. I don't know if she realised but she's seen it all before lol a good wee while ago tho

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RE: Emergency

This happened when I was still living at home I was 14-15 at the time I was sleeping one night and my mom came into my room yelling for me to get up something was wrong with the furnace I got up relized it was supper hot in the house I ran down staires and our furnace never shut off it had tobe over 90 in the house I went to the basement and killed the breaker my mother asked what I thought was the best way to get rid of the heat I said to open some of the windows so we went around me my mom and sister and opened a bunch they were in the kitchen when I found them mom mom looked at me and said it's a little late but I might want to go put pants on or something here the hole time I was nude and did not relize it

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