Houston Nudist

where houston nudist meet

The Continuation of Naked Tuesday

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Testing, testing...Is this thing on?
There will be another Naked Tuesday in Houston on 29 May (the fifth Tuesday of the month). The location & start time have yet to be determined, but we're announcing this with plenty of advance notice, so you have lots of time to find a friend & cajole him or her into going. The theme of the party is "Gemini," so that person can be your twin for the night, even if you're not identically attiredi.e., there's no overt pressure to be Naked at Naked Tuesday.
Participants are welcome to bring party games, art supplies, & musical instruments for a multi-media jam session. Watch this space for more news as it develops.

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RE: The Continuation of Naked Tuesday

Naked Tuesday, a great opportunity for Houston Nudists to socialize au naturel, will happen next week, 29 May, the fifth Tuesday of the month. The venue this time is Mazatec Garden, 1412 Westheimer Road, on the curve near La Fende. We start about 9 & go till midnight, or possibly beyond. (Idunno about you, but most of us have to work the next morning.)
The theme is Gemini, and we're encouraging everyone to bring a "twin." Also bring musical instruments, toys & games, or art supplies, and whatever beverages you'd care to sip or share.

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RE: The Continuation of Naked Tuesday

Naked Tuesday, a great opportunity for Houston Nudists to socialize au naturel, will happen next week, 29 May, the fifth Tuesday of the month. The venue this time is Mazatec Garden, 1412 Westheimer Road, on the curve near La Fende. We start about 9 & go till midnight, or possibly beyond. (Idunno about you, but most of us have to work the next morning.)The theme is Gemini, and we're encouraging everyone to bring a "twin." Also bring musical instruments, toys & games, or art supplies, and whatever beverages you'd care to sip or share.[What exactly is this event?

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