Houston Nudist

where houston nudist meet

The Return of Naked Tuesday

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Southmore House's Naked Tuesday event is reincarnating!
Every fifth Tuesday of the month, beginning this month, the reanimated Southmore House will be reviving its early Oh-oh's tradition. Super Happy Fun Land, 3801 Polk Street at Milby, will be playing the part of the late, lamented Southmore House.
In honor of the hosts of the first American Thanksgiving, the theme for this month is "Going Native." Come undressed and decorated as your favorite indigenous/tribal naturist. Also, if you have an instrument you'd care to bring and play, bring it.
That's Tuesday, 29 November, 8-11 pm & possibly longer. Recommended donation at the door is $7, beer and soda for whatever legal tender you can throw in the jar.
Did I forget anything? I'm really tired right now. Good night.

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The Return of Naked Tuesday, 31 January, at Avant Garden

Sorry about the late notice, but we managed to salvage Naked Tuesday, this fifth Tuesday of the month, 31 January. Speaking of late, will have to start the revelry a little later than usual.Location: Avant Garden, 411 Westheimer near Taft, upstairs.
Time: 10 pm, after the belly dancing show that begins at 8. Come enjoy the dancing too, if you like. Hang out until midnight.Theme: Procrastination. We'll think of a way to make that work...tomorrow.Donation: $10, or whatever you can handle.Bring: Body paints & brushes, instruments, your latest poems, your 1040 form, or whatever creative outlet suits you best.Hope to see you there. If you can't make it, the next Naked Tuesday should be happening on 30 May, right after Burning Flipside/Memorial Day weekend.

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