Houston Nudist

where houston nudist meet

Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

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Just wondering if there were some folks out there in Houston that might like to get together once in a while to play Pinochle or Backgammon.

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

I'll be there and will bring my backgammon board. Anything else? Terry

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Anyone up for getting together Wednesday night for Backgammon and Pizza? I'll host.

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Count me in :) 6:30?

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

OK, we're on. 6:30 works. Email me if you need the address (RiderJack@comcast.net). Bring a friend.

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Getting a good response. Looking forward to getting together.

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Thanks everyone for coming out tonight. Had a great evening teaching Backgammon and Pinochle 101. Hope to see more folks stop by next week. hat's the best night for everyone Tues or Wed?

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Yes it was fun, and thank you for hosting it. Either Tuesday or Wednesday is fine by me. Terry

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Let's do Tuesday this week. Let me know if you are coming.

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

I'm in! :)

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RE: Pinochle or Backgammon Players?

Update. Gotta change. Got conflicts on Tuesday. If anyone wants to get together Wednesday just send me a shout or post up here.
Next week is the holiday week so we are looking at the week

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