Holkham Naturist Beach

Lets save holkham beach for the naturists

Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

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Do you want to lose your rights to be naked at holkham? If not please let them know

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RE: Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

Do you want to lose your rights to be naked at holkham? If not please let them knowI live in the USA and our nude beaches are always at risk of being closed. Political officials are always wanting to protect the public from those "evil nudist". Be aware that once a beach is closed it is very difficult to change it back.

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RE: Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

My suggestion would be to get a group together and invite the local news media. If you can get the attention of the community you may have a chance. The news media is always looking for something visual to report. Something along the lines of the naked bike ride.

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RE: Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

As you know it's a bit of a trek from Derbyshire but this was one of my favourite beaches, if not THE favourite. It's the beach where I first went openly naked in public and will always be a special place to me. (I had been discretely naked in the local park and such like, but at Holkham I could be truly free. :) )

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RE: Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

Is Holhm beach lost or is there any hope to reverse the decision?

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RE: Have you been to Holham Beach Norfolk

I was naked at Holkham beach last week, but it was really difficult as there were no signposts saying where the naturist section was. It was a bit cool, but I loved the fresh air and freedom. Thank you for all you're doing to keep it open.

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