Hippie Hollow - Austin,TX

Planning on visiting Hippie Hollow? Let us know here and perhaps others can join you!! Feel free to post pics of your time there, and share your experiences of the only officially sanctioned c/o park in TX. Encourage all of you to post links to pics of your experiences there.

Going to Hippie Hollow this Saturday or Sunday

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This will be my first time going here. Hopefully it will be nice their.

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RE:Going to Hippie Hollow this Saturday or Sunday

It is a great place. The lake is a little low though. Bring water shoes if you plan to get in the water. It's pretty rocky.

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RE:Going to Hippie Hollow this Saturday or Sunday

I haven't made it out yet but here is what your missing.

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RE:Going to Hippie Hollow this Saturday or Sunday

Coming to Austin for the World Naked Bike Ride on June 11. Want to check out Hippie Hollow for sure!

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RE:Going to Hippie Hollow this Saturday or Sunday

Arrived in ATX on 6/10 and had a few hours until I could check in to my room so I went straight from the airport to Hippie Hollow. I took the advice posted earlier and brought some water shoes. What a great place and super nice people!. It was 100 degrees plus that day but it did not feel so bad although I was only there 2-1/2 hours but that was from noon to 2:30. I went back Saturday around 11 and stayed until a little after 2. One thing I noticed that while it was hot and sunny, the rocks do not get very hot. I am used to going to Haulover Beach in Miami and on a hot sunny day the sand is so hot by about 1PM that you can not walk on it barefoot so if the sand is that hot there is heat radiating from it so a 90 degree day it could be well over 100 off the surface of the sand

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