Higher Education Nudists

A group for those of us who are involved with Higher Education - as Teachers, Administrators or Staff

Do others at your institution know that you are a nudist?

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At my college, several of my friends knew that I was a nudist. After all, I would swim at the Field House and use the showers - my all-over tan sort of gave it away. Some of my students also knew it and made descrete comments to me about the nudist life. Never had any problems all the years that I was teaching.

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RE: Do others at your institution know that you are a nudist?

No, they dont know about!

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RE: Do others at your institution know that you are a nudist?

A few do, lots more suspect... :-) i have wondered about the possibility of getting a staff and students nudist group going on campus, but the flak would just not be worth it.

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RE: Do others at your institution know that you are a nudist?

Somke years back, I did have several male students with whom I would go on nude hikes and we would sometimes swim in the local quarry.

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RE: Do others at your institution know that you are a nudist?

Some know that I am a nudist and there are other nudists at my institution.

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