Ham Naturist
This is a group for naturist who also enjoy Ham Radio ( Amateur Radio ) as a hobby. We combine the two hobbies together to enjoy them twice as much as one hobby. Ham radio gives nudist a more social out let on a world wide level. Nude recreation gives ham radio opreators more comfort when operating thier radios.
just joined
Return to DiscussionsBeen on True Nudist for a while, and just thot to look and see if there was a Ham group.
Had my license for 38 years now (got it when I was 17). From the time I got out of college, if I have operated from home or while camping, I have always been nude on the air. (Not as practical operating nude while driving. I know some folks drive nude, but I drive in a congested tourist area and have been pulled over for trivia like a dirty license plate (really!) in the local cops endeavour to get lucky and catch drunks, so I'd rather not be pulled over while driving nude.)
I wonder how the average ham would react if they new I was talking to them nude. I have mentioned it once or twice when I knew the guy, but most of the time I am just silently naked. Havent gotten into ATV. If I ever do, probably wouldnt dress for the camera, I'd just remain sitting when it was on.