Gym Loving Nudists

This is a group for all Nudists, young and old that enjoy going to the gym and keeping fit. Its a place to swap tips on diet and exercise and meet new naked friends from across the world.

Fitness Instructor Nudists

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Howdy!!! Teach spin (indoor cycle) at textile gymnasium. For comparison, also lead running, hiking, water aerobics and weightlifting at nudist club. Observation: nudity encourages greater exertion and diligence. I'd guess a 10% greater caloric usage, and a good 50% higher average attendance. Nudity is fun, and fun motivates. Interesting.

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RE: Fitness Instructor Nudists

In my opinion nude training is also conducive to better form - poor or I perfect form is often masked by clothing.

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RE: Fitness Instructor Nudists

Wish you were closer! I'd love to work out naked with you.

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RE: Fitness Instructor Nudists

Shocking typos in my post :(. I meant to say that poor form / technique is often hidden by clothing

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RE: Fitness Instructor Nudists

So true about clothing hiding flaws. I've been doing naked yoga for 8 years and I definitely find it's better than clothed. Not only does being naked around others encourage me to attend class when the snow outside suggests otherwise, but I find it easier to check my form in the mirror as well as the form of others.

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