Gym Loving Nudists

This is a group for all Nudists, young and old that enjoy going to the gym and keeping fit. Its a place to swap tips on diet and exercise and meet new naked friends from across the world.

Gym goers who are nudists

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Can you tell that how many percents of people you see in the gym who are true nudists? I would say none (at least in my gym). Is it because most nudists do not go to gym or we are mostly just closet nudists? Or maybe most nudists don't care much about exercising their bodies?

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RE: Gym goers who are nudists

I am a nudist and I have 2 gym memberships. The locker room is not a place for nudist only. It is just normal for nudist and non nudist to be nude. A need to shower and change clothes. It is just for some reason many today do not feel comfortable for what ever reason to be nude in a room that others may see them nude. I have a friend who says he is not a nudist and does not sleep nude. We have been nude together in the locker room, open gang showers, sauna and even nude together at a Korean bathhouse.

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RE: Gym goers who are nudists

I always see a few nudists that I know from other parties etc. There are also some people that just walk around with their towel on their shoulder. That is usually a good sign. I always feel bad for those guys that take off and put on their underwear in a towel. I strip off and stand there naked as I do my thing. I can't tell if they are shy/modest or just worried about people looking at them.

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