Gym Loving Nudists

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Nude "Insanity" workout

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Just started doing the Insanity video workout last week. Good work out but doing it naked causes quite a bit more bouncing than i am used to when i have done my normal nude exercises.

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

I have done this workout nude too, and especially when you get to the MAX workouts it definitely gives you an extra dose of wobble. It's definitely a great workout and well worth doing and worth doing right (i.e. Naked)

I'm happy to hear I'm not the only to have tried it naked :D keep us updated on your progress please!

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

I have done this workout nude too, and especially when you get to the MAX workouts it definitely gives you an extra dose of wobble. It's definitely a great workout and well worth doing and worth doing right (i.e. Naked)I'm happy to hear I'm not the only to have tried it naked :D keep us updated on your progress please!Awesome! Thanks for the comment. I really didnt believe in these videos until i met a guy that lives them religiously. He got me interested and I am looking forward to seeing some results!

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

i did this workout and tried naked. had to wear a jock because it was painful with all the bouncing on the boys, good luck!

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

Insanity is a great program. Never done it naked but sounds fun. I think it may be to much bouncing for me but any who great job brother keep up the hard work. Would love to see before and after pics.adamhahah yeah there was WAY too much bouncing going on so i had to switch to briefs. as a 100% freeballer that really sucks but it's briefs or jocks for the workout.
a buddy is going to start with me on monday and i told him the same thing. he wants to try it naked so we will see how much he can take!
did cardio abs today. damn sure was too much jumping for hanging free!

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

Where I can see that exercise to test? I would like to know and try, thanks

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RE: Nude "Insanity" workout

here is a youtube video that gives a look at some of the exercises in insanity.

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