Guy Camaraderie

Closeness among guys is central to GC. Hello! My name's Ryan, the founder of Guy Camaraderie. We welcome guys from any background. Whether you identify as straight, gay, bi, or otherwise, there are no expectations or criticisms here. Please allow me to give you a brief overview of the core concepts and philosophy of Guy Camaraderie (or GC for short). The central focus once again is closeness...

I read the "About" page for this group and it didn't exclude jerking off as a topic of discussion -- thus, I'm assuming it ok.

What do you think about jerking off when there are other guys around with whom you do not engage in sexual behavior. So, you're with a friend or friends and you really feel like jerking off. Do you go ahead and do it? Have you ever done this? If so, did anyone join in and also jerk off?

I've read recently that the exclusively male clubs back in the 1800s were exclusively male because the well-to-do men enjoyed getting together with other men, having conversation, smoking cigars, drinking whisky, and jerking off. These were the aristocrats, high-end business owners, lords, barons, etc. Essentially all married.

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RE:Jerking Off

Erections and masturbating are perfectly normal and natural. I m more than happy to masturbate with in front of others in a mutually open situation.

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RE:Jerking Off

Erections and masturbating are perfectly normal and natural. I m more than happy to masturbate with in front of others in a mutually open situation.

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RE:Jerking Off

We all learn as girls that it is nice to masturbate - with and without a toy. All my girlfriends masturbate. I certainly do.

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RE:Jerking Off

Agree with you. It is healthy and if you are with a friend or partner it can add more excitement to the sex

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RE:Jerking Off

It's something that we all do why be shy about it

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RE:Jerking Off

Absolutely correct for men and ladies, age is no limit :-)

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RE:Jerking Off

For males (and this info also applies to women - but this topic is not about 'jilling'), masturbating more often than a few times a week or chronic 'edging' can begin to create a feedback loop due to the overproduction of dopamine, and that can in time screw up the way the neurons in our brains are connected. Also, some like to suggest that daily masturbation is healthy in the avoidance of prostate cancer. Any specialist in the field of prostate science should know that this level of self-gratification has deeper ramifications than the perceived benefits, besides the fact that prostate cancer for men under sixty is rare. More recent studies on how the human brain forms, grows and functions are teaching the scientific community that we must be wary of such over-indulgent behavior to avoid long term damage. Luckily, there are ways to recover from such damage. If you PM me I would be happy to type about that in private.

While there are healthy amounts of masturbation, there are definite limits to the benefits one can receive from it, and a tendency toward heavier masturbation and its attached overdose of dopamine and other brain chemistry and neural changes it can bring is not good. The idea of "if it feels good, do it", in some people, this unabridged self pleasure will often cause alterations in the brain that can birth detrimental physical and mental effects such as erectile dysfunction and a marked loss of social skills and cognition. The constant use of one's hand instead of interacting with others can and often does bring more self-absorption, drawing one inward and away from the world. I suggest put down the phone and talk to that nudist to your left. They have hands, too, and probably some other very interactive body their mind!

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RE:Jerking Off

love watching my girlfriend masterbate, she loves me coming over her breasts. why cant it be a natural thing between lovers !

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RE:Jerking Off

I do, in the pool, with the help of my imagination and the water jet, just at the right height, focused at the correct area, standing in front of it, enjoying it power..

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RE:Jerking Off

Ive done that too on a quiet afternoon at the hot tub but havent actually masturbated in front of anyone (except my wife)guess this goes on the bucket list!

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