Gunnison Beach Nudists

You must go to Gunnison Beach and now you must have a picture of you at Gunnison Beach posted in this group.

May 25th, 2011 First Visit??

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If the forecast holds up, I shall make my first visit to Gunnison

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY

There may never be a more perfect weather day than today. There were no clouds in the sky, low humidity, very slight breeze, and I am now afraid to look in the mirror after my shower, as I know I got coloring, even with the Sun block.
Pity you all missed today

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY

Forgot to mention, I stopped at the Ranger station and bought my season parking pass...

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY

I'm envious. Was it crowded and if it was getting on and off the Hook? Rob

Neither was any problem. I was there May 25 and agree that it was a perfect day.

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY

Catbird, I think you were near me
I arrived at Noon and Lot G was half full, but by the time I left at 4 PM it was full.

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY Back again

Going back to gunnison today

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RE: May 25th, 2011 PERFECT DAY Back again

Strange day at Gunnison...we came over the hill and all you could see was fog...
we walked along the beach for two hours and finally gave was too foggy and cold. Teh=mperature at beach was 65 and two blocks inland it was 85 and it waa, we both got good color just from the walk.

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