Gunnison Beach Nudists

You must go to Gunnison Beach and now you must have a picture of you at Gunnison Beach posted in this group.

Hope we don't have any bad beacherosion with the hurricane that will pass us to the Easttoday

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RE: Beach Erosion

Some rough surf the past few days, but should not be too bad. Looks like the worst passed us. We'll have to see this weekend.

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RE: Beach Erosion

I will find out next Tuesday, when I go to Gunnison.

Earl had the opposite effect. The sand bar is considerably wider.

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RE: Beach Erosion

I wonder what all of these storms this Winter have done to the beach???? Has anyone been there for a look?

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RE: Beach Erosion

I haven't checked yet, but they probably did not help it much. Wonderinghow muchdamagethe severe winds we are having thisweekend will add (and we still have to make it through March).

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