
The guitar is the most popular musical instrument in the world. Great guitars are considered a piece of art and demand a price to classify. Most of the music we listen to and love have the guitar as major player. Rock on!

Vihuela at the Club

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I posted this to the Naked Musicians group a while ago:

I used to be in the habit of bringing my vihuela (its sort of a small guitar) to our local nude club. If I was in a mood, Id noodle around with a couple of chords. Ive never been very good at it, but people didnt seem to mind.

One day, there were all of these rather attractive young women at the resort. I thought it was weird, but it turned out that it was part of some event where models would be on hand so that a photography club could take pictures. I didnt know this, but I ended up taking a chair next to one of the models. She saw the vihuela and asked me what it was. So I took it out and played that C-F-G chord sequence (La Bamba/Twist and Shout/Guantanamera) that everyone has heard. She was impressed. We ended up chatting and swimming for a half hour or so. I still keep up with her online.

I didnt carry that vihuela around to get girls, honest!

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