Genuine Chance Chat

I've been on this site for a while now and sent aload of messages to people in hope to start a decent conversation but no reply. I get there people on this site who aren't here for friendship, but not all of us are like that. So I've set this group up as a filter really, so you can join if you genuinely want honest friendship and are prepared to give people a chance to prove we...

I think I'm going to throw in the towel

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I don't know about you people, but I hold friends close. Maybe too close. I think it time for a change of heart for me. I like to speak to people and when they just drop the conversation....well....I think it's time. Was fun with you all that chatted for a while. Nothing personal, I like all my friends and I don't hold anything against anyone. I guess I like to chat with friends more than once a month. I guess we are all busy with life. Maybe meet up at a resort or somewhere.

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RE:I think I'm going to throw in the towel

Dont give up yet. I feel that way sometimes too. Willing to share as friends that get naked. Jagaustinawesome@gmail.

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