Ft. Lauderdale Massage Swap

Hi. I enjoy getting and giving massages. I'm sure there are others like me out there. This group will provide a way for us to make the connections to make those wanted massages happen

Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

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We can host, poolside massage table under room and a fan, oils provided. Gay, bi, straight...doesnt matter as long as theres no judging and the main objective is to give and/or get a nude massage.

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

Where do I sign up?!

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

you know exactly where ;)

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

Yes please

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

I'm down...let me know when.

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

Im in.........just say when!

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RE:Anyone here for a real meetup? Bueller??

Would love a massage!

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