Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

Stupid Reactions to Nudity

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I saw this news item and I thought group members might be amused to find out what some members of the great British Public think about nudity. For those outside the UK, the Daily Mail is a pretty gruesome reactionary rag so it is not clear whether they posted the article as a bit of fun or because they agree with Ms Belisario.
Anymore more examples of bigotry to report?


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One to make men's eyes water

From a British "Naturist" association - conditions for membership.
Q. Why do you insist on men being cut?
A. Although currently regarded by some as an emotive issue, we at SCN firmly believe that the circumcised penis is aesthetically more pleasing for various reasons - hygiene and looks (as naturists) being just two - particularly when it is not surrounded by what we, as smoothies, consider to be unsightly pubic hair. It is this extra requirement that makes SCN unique. We are not saying that all other men must be circumcised but just suggesting that if you are, and youre smooth and a naturist, you'll enjoy being part of our community even more!
Q. How do I get information on circumcision?
A. SCN currently holds no information on either the methods of circumcision or the clinics and their practitioners who perform the operation. We suggest that you consult your own doctor to ask if he will refer you to a clinic for assessment and advice. You can be circumcised at any age but all men who were successful in their application for membership of SCN would have been 'cut' well before joining. There are many web sites about circumcision: our Links page 2 shows a few.
Q. What do you mean by "fully circumcised" in the qualifications to join?
A. Full circumcision involves the complete removal of any foreskin, leaving the glans (penis head) fully exposed at all times. The frenulum (underneath) may have also been removed, but this is not essential as long as it is small. Merely for a man to wear his foreskin back does not qualify him! Female members were naturally not required to have been circumcised - just to be pubically smooth!


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RE: One to make men's eyes water

From a British "Naturist" association - conditions for membership.Q. Why do you insist on men being cut?A. Although currently regarded by some as an emotive issue, we at SCN firmly believe that the circumcised penis is aesthetically more pleasing for various reasons - hygiene and looks (as naturists) being just two - particularly when it is not surrounded by what we, as smoothies, consider to be unsightly pubic hair. It is this extra requirement that makes SCN unique. We are not saying that all other men must be circumcised but just suggesting that if you are, and youre smooth and a naturist, you'll enjoy being part of our community even more!Q. How do I get information on circumcision?A. SCN currently holds no information on either the methods of circumcision or the clinics and their practitioners who perform the operation. We suggest that you consult your own doctor to ask if he will refer you to a clinic for assessment and advice. You can be circumcised at any age but all men who were successful in their application for membership of SCN would have been 'cut' well before joining. There are many web sites about circumcision: our Links page 2 shows a few.Q. What do you mean by "fully circumcised" in the qualifications to join?A. Full circumcision involves the complete removal of any foreskin, leaving the glans (penis head) fully exposed at all times. The frenulum (underneath) may have also been removed, but this is not essential as long as it is small. Merely for a man to wear his foreskin back does not qualify him! Female members were naturally not required to have been circumcised - just to be pubically smooth!PamelaPlease qualify your comment - a British "Naturist" association - this is nothing to do with "British Naturism" and has nothing to do with naturism in general. Circumcision is not required in any naturist establishment.

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Please read things carefully

Please qualify your comment - a British "Naturist" association - this is nothing to do with "British Naturism" and has nothing to do with naturism in general. Circumcision is not required in any naturist establishment.Barry - please read things before commenting. I wrote:
a British "Naturist" association
Note the indefinite article. I made no reference to "British Naturism" and nor would I ever wish to - you should already know my attitude to organisations which set rules about how to behave.
And you are incorrect to state "Circumcision is not required in any naturist establishment."
Here is the link to the British naturist association I quoted, "Smooth & Cut Naturists" (SCN):
In it you will find exactly exactly the words I quoted and more.
Usually I enjoy posting to this group - it was why I set it up. To me, responding to innacurate criticism is a chore I would rather not have to do.


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RE: Please read things carefully

I only asked you to qualify the point because it reads as British Naturism.
As to those requirements, they can't really be recognised as a naturist club, naturists accept every type of body. That is just plain discrimination.

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Stupid Reactions to Nudity: QED

Barry Crouch wrote:
"I only asked you to qualify the point because it reads as British Naturism."
You read it that way but you read it incorrectly. What I wrote was that it was a British "Naturist" association. If you had the read the text carefully you would have seen that the association clearly identified itself as "SCN", the acronym of Smooth and Cut Naturists.
to those requirements, they can't really be recognised as a naturist
club, naturists accept every type of body. That is just plain
By saying "they can't really be recognised as a naturist
club" you merely state your own views on what constitutes naturism as evidence for your claim that the members of the association are not naturists. To my mind they are stark staring bonkers and I think we should all say that very loudly rather than just shouting at them "you are not real naturists!"
It really doesn't get much sillier than this - look at at the title of this discussion topic and ponder that.

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RE: Stupid Reactions to Nudity: QED

I agree that SCN is an interesting quirky assoceation with blood curdling rules for those of us with foreskins - even offering advice on circumcission to qualify.
Pamela, I agree with Bary that you should have referred specifically to Smooth Cut Naturist organisation as there could be confusion with British Natusrists. Are there organisations for WUN (Wooly Uncut Naturists). I could think of some others.
I just spent a week in hospital after an emergency admission whilst naked. They showed no concern on my nudity while in ICU - it gave easy access to the patient. When moved to a normal ward I had to wear one of those hospital gowns that open down the back but otherwise I was naked. Again they showed no concern when lifting my tunic for tummy injections. So do Spanish hospitals see nudity as healthy? More likely it was just some silly Englishman who didn't understand what they were saying. Us English are all a bit odd, aren't we?

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