Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

Shaving Off Your Pubic Hair

Return to Discussions

We don't yet have a thread about his topic, which, on reflection, seems a bit strange. I recently posted about it to another group, so I thought we should have our own discourse.

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RE: Shaving Off Your Pubic Hair

I am for shaving only because when I go down on a woman I prefer no hair to get in the way and would assume when she is doing likewise that smooth tastes better than a mouth full of hair. Just something personal and I'll go down on a woman regardless. I at least usually shave and Nair then only let it grow back in short but not full blown. Always looking for a woman willing to share the shave experience just for the hype it would create. AustinJohn

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RE:Shaving Off Your Pubic Hair

I am very much in favor of shaving off public hair.
The look, feeling is tremendous.
Personally have been doing full body shaves and waxing for
many years.

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RE:Shaving Off Your Pubic Hair

Smoothie for years as explained elsewhere. Just feels nicer

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