Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

A special thread meant for Pamela 's pics

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Hi Guys,
a lot of us here are fond of Pamela's pictures : i thought why not start a thread exclusively meant for HER pictures ? With a prayer on my lips and keeping my fingers crossed i wish she responds positively to this particular request . Any members of the Group would be able to post their appreciations . As they say it so beautifully in French ' La balle est dans son camp . Attendons nous a ce qu'elle joue le jeu ? " hugs to all of you


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RE:Getting into the really hairy stuff!

Natural is how it should be - if you can't cope with the real world don't go there.

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Maybe a slightly contrary view?

I agree hairy is very appealing, but I have always been tempted by the sheer drawing power of clear visibility. I like the excitement of hairy but the shear raw power of hairless and completely exposed seems to be a great draw for viewers and also for the subject who knows nothing is hidden.

Here is an early experiment with partial trimming - enough hair removed to ensure there is a clear view of my anus.


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RE:Getting into the really hairy stuff!

Looks great! I love bush.

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RE:Maybe a slightly contrary view?

I agree hairy is very appealing, but I have always been tempted by the sheer drawing power of clear visibility. I like the excitement of hairy but the shear raw power of hairless and completely exposed seems to be a great draw for viewers and also for the subject who knows nothing is hidden.Here is an early experiment with partial trimming - enough hair removed to ensure there is a clear view of my anus.Pamela

a very nice view of your anus ...i personally love that view ... As a hardcore fan of full bush i would however tend to join those who are crying loudly " the hairier the better " ....and your recent profile pic a very original inspiration/ temptation for all sorts of nice imaginations Pam !...

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RE:A special thread meant for Pamela 's pics

Loving the smooth look as well as the hairy (and very slippery) look. At my work desk with an erection for the majority of the afternoon!Thanks for sharing Pam and thanks for the thread Jay.

Hi Buddy ,

i have to admit that i had the very same feelings as you . At times my imagination takes over, i see myself just inches away , inhaling the fragrance of her bush !!!! Curiosity caught me and i checked your profile ...well your pics a real treat seeing you erect would be a real treat !

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RE:A special thread meant for Pamela 's pics

This Girl is the Most beautiful Hairy Pussy this side of Hairy Pussy Heaven

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Trying to get off the hairy theme!

I will admit I have long hair on my head and there is "implied" hair between my legs but here is a photo from my first ever session posing nude for fellow members of the local photographic club. I was scared rigid but the feeling was also very liberating and very arousing. I loved being looked at but wasn't sure how the photographers would react when they saw my hairy and rather untidy pubis - having seeing the "classic" nude shots they exhibited at the club I thought they might find the view very unacceptable.


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Some photos of my flower arrangements!

There was a bit of banter in the club studio about flower arranging. Thinking of petals gave me an idea which was just too good to wait. I still hadn't undressed but I thought it would be such fun that I took my clothes straight off and started to set up the poses. One downside of the haste was that there wasn't enough time for the compression lines to subside completely - I usually wore no underwear to the studio but on that occasion I was wearing some rather "robust" knickers and you can see the evidence on my bottom.

As you look at the photos think about how each one is set up. I am lying on my front, trying not to move too much so that the format doesn't change too much from one shot to the next. That means I also cannot see the view that the photographers are getting..........

Yes! I was really the passive party in the flower arrangements. I lay there while the photographers set up the scene for each photo. It was a pretty amazing experience, having my labia teased out into different poses, and I was very close to orgasm several times. I asked the photographers to stop briefly a couple of times because I knew that if I did have an orgasm it would definitely disrupt the sequence of photos.

Looking back at the sequence, I think the one aspect we missed out on was stimulation of my anus - in the first photo it is quite nicely puckered, but it does relax in subsequent photos. In retrospect I do wish I had remembered to ask the photographers to look after that aspect as well, but I did have rather a lot on mind at the time!


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RE:Some photos of my flower arrangements! - Reposting the photos!

The TN system for uploading images is a bit clunky and one of the photos seem to have got left out. Here is the complete sequence (I hope!)


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Tell me more!

Absolutely amazing shot. Erotic and classic. Im looking for a boudoir shot for my bedroom and bathroom!! =)

I am not quite sure what you have in mind, but it sounds as though you want to use one of my labia photos for your boudoir shot. If so, I feel very flattered - I hope you will take photos of the installed image so that I, and maybe other group members can see the final result!

You say bedroom and bathroom - are you going to duplicate the image, or are the two rooms all part of one?

And, finally(forgive my evident curiosity) which photo do you want to use, and what will the finished picture look like (size, frame, siting), and what will be its purpose - for your eyes only or perhaps also to encourage visitors to strip off and do likewise?

Dying to hear more - this is the most unexpected and exciting compliment I have received for a long time!


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