Free Style Nudity
A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...
New Group Photo
Return to DiscussionsI don't mean to put a downer on things, but is it right to use/spread someone's picture without their consent
Ron, you really do not have to worry on that score. I prepared the file needed to provide the group image and I only did that after Oldfrog have given me explicit authority to do it and an assurance that his ex would agree as well. There was also an agreement that I would remove the picture immediately if there were a valid objection to its being posted.
The same applies to Odeon81's photo which has replaced it as next in line in the rotating group pic cycle - everything agreed up front.
And, of course, the final stage, only I and my co-moderator Steff are able to post the group image.