Fraternity Nudists

Guys who were in a fraternity who like to be nude

Fraternity Nudity

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Any of you guys old enough to have had manditory nudity during pledging or in the frat house like some of us had?

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RE: Fraternity Nudity

The nudity in our fraternity house wasn't mandatory, but the comfort level was such that most of us were naked if we weren't on the first floor. The fact that a bunch of my brothers were on the rugby team, and they'd get naked at the drop of a hat contributed to that, I'm sure! It was a great time!! There wasn't that much sexual going on, but guys thought nothing of sharing a shower if they needed to in order to get to class on time, etc. The way guys should be together!

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RE: Fraternity Nudity

it was a fact of life that you were nude at some point, especially pledge week. Also we would have closed week-ends just for members and there was a lot of nudity then. As well for those of us who lived in the house, sleeping nude was common.

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