Formula 1 Nudists

For all F1 followers. (to replace our old group - which disapeared with its creator)

Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

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Question 1 ....................Will Blix be there?

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Question 2...................WillNature_elle be there?

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Unfortunately my contact for VIP tickets didn't come through :-( I will actually be down in Virginia on the weekend, hopefully I can watch the race. I don't want to miss 2 in a row!!

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

*** Spoiler Alert ***
I rented Sunday's raceon DVD from Blockbuster...... Vettel won the race

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Even if i'm a huge Button's fan GO BUTTON GO - i have a feeling that Rosberg will again be on the podium as well as Vergne but still hoping that Button will be one of them also :D
Hi Nat, another huge Button fan here, very pleased to meet you. :)
I'm thinking it's just too close to call these days. I don't have a clue who's going to win this time.
I like Jensen, Lewis, and Mark, and even Schewey, be nice to see him win again. Only one I dislike is Alonso. Used to like him, but in recent years, I think he's shown his true colours, good driver, but not a nice guy.

Oh, and what's manifs? :)

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

*** Spoiler Alert ***I rented Sunday's raceon DVD from Blockbuster...... Vettel won the race
Thanks BLIX, that REALLY made me laugh :)
Must admit, I was a bit annoyed with you at first, but now that I've had time to think about it, I realise that now I don't have to stay in to watch it, and miss all the sunshine. So thanks again mate! :) .... by the way, how did Button do? :)
And thanks for doing the Driver's Championship thread too, nice one!

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Phil........Nice to see you back.
Jenson is Ok but a bit spoilt by Daddy and spits the dummy when all is not going well. And please dont get me started on that mardy bugger the Spaniard, never known a guy with such good driving ability, blame so many others for his own mistakes or failings.

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Toooootttt toooootttt Phil i knew it i couldn't be the only who could recongnize a winner hahahhaI agree with your like ones except for schumi - i saw hime win too oftenand the races became boring the one i don't really go for is vettel i just can't stand him Nat.... I've seen an interview they had with Vettel on Top Gear... he was really funny! But I guess you don't like him because he beat Button so often (LOL joke!)

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

And aaaarrrrrrghhhhh!!! I just realized today I am going to miss the race!! At the time of the race I will be driving back to Canada!

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

Park up and watch ------- DNF

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RE: Montreal....Canadian Grand Prix.

natur_elle said ....

Agree with your like ones except for schumi - I saw him win too often and the races became boring.A lot of people said it was boring to see schewy keep winning, but I disagree. He was only able to keep on winning, because he had the talent and a great car underneath him. A formidable combination. The only thing that puts me off him, is that he can be a bit too ruthless at times. But that's the name of the game, nice guys don't win too often. That could be Jenson's problem. When something means that much to you, emotionally as well as monetarily, it must be pretty difficult, -not- to overstep the mark sometimes.

The one I don't really go for is Vettel I just can't stand himAwwwwwwww, give him a break Nat. I don't like him much either, but only because he comes across to me as a bit cocky. I think immature is the word. He is very talented, again, it must be very hard to keep your feet on the ground, when you're in that position at such a young age.

renebbare said ....

Phil........ Nice to see you back.Thanks Rene! :)

Jenson is Ok but a bit spoilt by Daddy and spits the dummy when all is not going well.WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!! .... Are we talking about the same guy? .... Maybe I missed something, but I've never noticed that. And I would have said that he always puts his hands up and admits to his mistakes.

And please dont get me started on that mardy bugger the Spaniard, never known a guy with such good driving ability, blame so many others for his own mistakes or failings.Now THIS we TOTALLY agree on. Nuff said! :)

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