Florida Nudists

This group is for all nudists in Florida to meet and share information on their lives, loves, and happiness.

Hope all the Fl. nudists (and everyone else) weather the storm!

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RE: Stay safe

Good luck with this one. Let us know if we can help.
Prayers sent!

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RE: Stay safe

Thanks! Same to you!

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RE: Stay safe

Thanks...Boynton Beach here. Going to hit us first.

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RE: Stay safe

We are all set for the storm. Have drinks and each other here in Orlando.

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RE: Stay safe

Sending prayers to Florida, stay safe down there!

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RE: Stay safe

Thanks...Boynton Beach here. Going to hit us first.Yes it will. Over here we will get the bands but I think I'm ready. I guess we will find out. Be safe my friend.

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RE: Stay safe

All is tied down and buttoned up. Got the generator up n running, waiting for the the wind to blow and the power to go. Have a bottle of rum as my hurricane chum to see me through to the sunshine on Saturday. Hopefully my wife; house and dog are none the worse for wear come Monday....and the only casualty will be that bottle of rum.

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RE: Stay safe

We are fortunate. We arent getting to our Florida home until late next week. Timing is everything.

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RE: Stay safe

I'm in ft Lauderdale...we were lucky as the eye moved further east than originally expected. Hope everyone north of me is as lucky.

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RE: Stay safe

Here at the Cove we are getting lots of rain and some wind.Power outages are just blips lasting only a few seconds

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