Florida Nudists

This group is for all nudists in Florida to meet and share information on their lives, loves, and happiness.

Nude Fort Meyers, but where ?

Vacation Fort Meyers mid. October. Looking for a nude beach near or South of Fort Meyers. Can anyone help?

Nude hiking

Shot out to anyone in Orlando that has gone nude hiking in the area. It's been on my list to do, just don't know where to go.

Central Florida Nudist?

We would like to make new friends with females and couples who like to be naked at home or outdoors. Please add us as Friends and Email us, very much like to make new friends with other nudist in the area. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hikes Near Clayton, Georgia - July 27 & 28

We will be doing two hikes near Clayton, Georgia this month. Both hikes will be 9.5 mile hikes on a well blazed trail. The hikes will require a shuttle as these will be one way hikes. They should be considered easy to moderate in difficulty. We will...

Hikes Near Clayton, Georgia - June 28 & 29

We will be doing two hikes near Clayton, Georgia this month. The first hike will be a scenic 14 mile hike with little evelvation gain (but, difficult do to length). This hike will require a shuttle. The second hike will be a 9 mile hike with about...

Palm Beach County, Florida, Naked Friends

I would like to meet fellow nudist/naturist friends in Palm Beach County. I am gay, but I am not looking for sexual pressure or a hook up, just making friends with like minds regarding the freedom from clothing. If you're in Palm Beach County,...

Petition for Clothing Optional Beach in...

Hello, I just signed the petition, Support a Clothing-Optional beach for Tampa Bay!. I think this is important. Will you sign it too? Heres the link:...

St Augustine, FL nudists

Hello to all who read this. I was wondering if St Augustine has nudists who are interested in real get togethers, meeting new friends, online chats or whatever else might be of interest. I can be contacted at staugnudeguy@yahoo.com or a message...

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Tampa Bay Area - Paradise Lakes

Male - in a relationship, 52 y/o seeking male or female roommate or couple to share a House/Condo at Paradise Lakes. I'm currently in contact with people who have properties available. I'm looking for someone who is able to split monthly...

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Impact on our Public Nude Activities

I am sharing this information from the South Florida Free Beaches organization. It doesn't apply to only the nude or C/O beaches in southern Florida however. It could impact on the rights we currently enjoy here in Florida as well as some...

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