This group is for fans who admire Pipearl and her sister's contributions to the Truenudists website. Pipearl has been instrumental in breaking the mold on old school nudism and bringing today's nudism up to speed with women's equality concerning images of women to be co-equal as men's image acceptance. Today men and women are equally acceptable in letting it visually all hang out...

People who collect photos--how do we feel about that?

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How would people in the group feel about the possibility--or how would you feel if you discovered--that there are people quietly collecting YOUR photos? Not posting them somewhere else, but just making a private collection.

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RE:People who collect photos--how do we feel about that?

I just discovered this question and decided to reply. Personally, I have no problem if people decide they want to collect my pictures (flattered actually). I have very few pictures of myself posted on the web but they are clearly me. I wanted to post them because I have nothing to hide.


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