Exploring The Woods Naked

Many of us have separated ourselves, at least once, from the movements and sounds and comings and goings of community life- and have done so naked in untouched nature. Whether it be hiking, swimming in a creek, climbing trees or whatever- share your experiences in the woods and forest while naked. I'll take a ceiling of trees over the ceiling of a building on any sunny day!

How far do you need to travel to hike nude...

The three places I go are about an hour and a half to over two hours. Wish there was some place closer.

Rare Opportunity for Nude Hiking

It's tough getting out there be nude (legally), let alone be able to hike nude freely and without worries. Had those rare chances many years back in the secluded (unknown) secondary forests, before the Pandemic struck. Then, all of a sudden in...

northern Utah?

Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'd love to find some sites near me where I could spend some woodsy spots to be textile free. In the vicinity of Ogden'Layton? Let's chat

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I've been a woodland nudist since I was 9

I grew up in the country with lots of acers and lots of trees I got the urge when I was 9 to go into the woods I had a large roughly one acer area completely secluded from everything is go there and hang my clothes in a tree then I'd play in the...


I would love to find some woods within an hour or two to go on small hikes, update my pics, enjoy nature. Would be even better with a friend or two or more!

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Philadephia area nude hiking

I have a fetish for nude hiking. Not barefoot mind you because my feet are not calloused enough to withstand the abuse but otherwise clothing unencumbered. To paraphrase what many others have said, I like the feeling as the sun and wind caresses my...

Woodland Cabin - 1 hour from London

I've recently added my off the grid woodland cabin to Mister B&B for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle and get back to nature between the towns of Tring and Berkhamsted. It's an off the grid hand built cabin on an old farm...

Naked Hikers in the Ozark and Ouachita...

I have been hiking naked in these forest since I was in my 20s. I know many beautiful places that are safe for naked hiking , best during the week. It is best to avoid the weekends given that ATVs have become popular. I can share stories and naked...

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Blue mountains nude hike

Just wondering, whom may be interested to hike through the blue mountain, 2 or 4 days trip, depending of experience and motivation of all participants. Would be great if someone good with photography could join in. Date to be confirmed, between mid...

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