Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Your first time

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When was your first time you realized you actually wanted to live the nudist life style? I believe mine was about 30 years ago. I've always loved being nude, but I feel I actually became a nudist then.

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RE:Your first time

I remember vividly discovering a page in my encyclopedia about ancient Roman nudism during the olympic games with some drawn pictures. I was completely fascinated by that concept (probably around 7 or 8 years old) and I wore out that volume (number 7) because I read it over and over. I knew right then that nudity was for me. Fun times.

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RE:Your first time

I think it was the ancient Greeks that were nude in the Olympics. But ancient Romans were nude too - visit Pompeii for details. They associated the male genitals with prosperity.

I toyed with nudism ever since I was a child - getting naked when alone or when no one would catch me. as with most things I liked it had a naughty element. This went on into adult life, particularly sunbathing naked. My first visit to a nude beach, at Brighton, left lasting memories. I also had an interest in the nude in art - collecting and creating nude sculptures and drawings. But I didn't put a name to it until I joined TN a few years ago. That was late in life. Since then I've made up for lost time.

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RE:Your first time

you're correct it was greeks, senior moment

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RE:Your first time

I think it was the ancient Greeks that were nude in the Olympics.

The way I remember reading how it started out in competing nude was, they originally were competing wearing loin cloths. Then during one foot race a runner's cloth accidently came off, but he continued running the race and won. Some of the other runners saw him and discarded their loin cloths, but too late to catch up to him. After that everyone started competing nude in all events.

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There is also a school of thought that competing naked ensured that women did not infiltrate the ranks of athletes. Silly to think of it now.

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