Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

I am one of those who hates clothes and being naked makes me feel free and more alive, is that a similar feeling for others?

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RE: Being naked

Very much so. I feel more relaxed and comfortable when I'm naked, I feel like the real me when I am nude. I love living without clothing at home, I'm always nude here unless it is very cold. In warmer weather spending time nude at a beach is what we really like doing most. As the years have gone by we've built up a circle of local nudist friends and if there is an option between nude or clothed socialising the choice to be naked with friends invariably wins. The more time I spend naked the more time I want to be nude, the more time I am naked the less I like clothing. I always dislike having to get dressed, this feels worse the longer I have spent naked. A long nude weekend at a nudist club is wonderful, dressing to go home feels bad, a week or two spent naked throughout on holiday is fantastic, dressing to return home after that freedom is dreadful.

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RE: Being naked

Beng clothesfree is the best

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RE: Being naked

Agreed being nude is the best. Very relaxing, I find it de-stressing too

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RE: Being naked

After a long day at work and being stressed it's so nice to get home and get naked. Being naked really does help me relax. Just the idea of having to be clothed all day makes me tense and getting rid of all my clothes that I'm wearing is like having a heavy weight removed from my body.

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RE: Being naked

Being naked is the highlight of my day. I'm probably naked more than I am clothed. I never wear clothes at home. When I do have to dress I never wear underwear so I can at least feel a little naked. I just wish society would allow people to be nude in public.

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RE: Being naked

Definitely naked much more than we are clothed. It's certainly increased substantially since our early years. During those years, we couldn't wait to get home and take off our clothes. Having lived as full time nudists, at home, for over 43 years, it's just become ... normal. It's our normal way of life and putting on clothes is something we have to do, occasionally, but don't hate doing it because we know that we will eventually return to our normal state of nakedness in due time. ;-)

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RE: Being naked

Well it is the best feeling when I can ie when warm enough and when I can be home. Heating will cost too much to be nude indoors in the winter time so cloths will have to go on.

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RE: Being naked

I am one of those who hates clothes and being naked makes me feel free and more alive, is that a similar feeling for others?

Yes definitely! I hate clothes, I am always naked within 5 minutes of getting home from work an don't get dressed again till it's time to go back. Unless I have to leave the house (during the day) I stay nude. Clothes are just unnatural an I can't stand the way they feel on my skin.

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RE: Being naked

I hate to wearing clothes and some places you have to wear I don't like that.

I need to know which places been naked walk around public and shopping if any one tell me plz...

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RE: Being naked

I have a small farm and do a lot of the work and chores while naked. It is so much easier bending and reaching without the constraints of clothes. I may perspire as much but the perspiring works so much better at cooling me than with clothing on! It may not count since I have a cab tractor, but I mow pastures naked as well.

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