Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Memberships removed

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I've just spent the day going through over 600 memberships, and I have removed the members that have changed their profile, removed their profile photos, made their profile private or for friends only or do no longer comply to the group rules.
This group was created for those of us who honestly want to be nudists. The rules for joining were put in place to protect the members of the group. Some people followed the rules to join and then changed their profile to suit themselves. If they do not want to adhere to the rules of the group, it would be unfair the the members that do follow them, to allow the others to remain.
Therefore we took a temporary drop in numbers, which I'm sure will rebound quickly. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and feel free to comment if you like.

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RE:Memberships removed

Good to be on a group where the mod looks after the group and removes the members who have decided not to comply any more.

Keep up the work.

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RE:Memberships removed

Thanks for taking the time to do that. Regular maintenance is a pain, but needed to make sure the group's goals are sustained.

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RE:Memberships removed

Thank you for your time and effort in making this a good and active group

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RE:Memberships removed

Thank you for not removing me from membership. I want to add my picture soon--as soon as I can get a suitable picture made and posted. I have one but it does not show the sheet TRUE NUDISTS. Thank you. This is truly a great site having some great members. Tom M

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RE:Memberships removed

Not sure what you are talking about, I don't think you are even a member of our group.
This applies to members of the group "Everyday naked living" Not TN members.

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