Everyday Naked Living

Requirements to join!! Absolutely "NO" Private, Or "This user only allows picture/video access to friends," Blank or Empty profiles. Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos including your face. "MUST BE CERTIFIED!"MUST BE CERTIFIED!". For true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Summer Plans?????

So far this spring, we have added a hot tub and built a screened in addition to our deck. We are hoping to entertain nude and non-nude friends this summer. Where we live the summers are short and the winters are long and cold, so we have to take...

Cabin fever

I don't know about everyone else, but around this time of year I start to get anxious about the arrival of spring. unless you have a winter sport that keeps you active all winter, being a home nudist most definitely has it's limits. I love...

To buy or not to buy??

My partner and I are thinking about purchasing a hot tub for use this summer. We have looked at where we want to place it and I said to her that it wasn't completely private. The neighbors next to us could see us. We are planning to use it nude....

Photos posted here are private.

The settings in the group allow only members of this group to view your photos, So lets upload tons of photos so the members of the group can see who you are.

Memberships removed

I've just spent the day going through over 600 memberships, and I have removed the members that have changed their profile, removed their profile photos, made their profile private or for friends only or do no longer comply to the group rules....

Being Nude a Great Past Time

I have always loved being naked, but not until last year did I really get into it. I have been sleeping naked every night for a year now. I go outside on my back porch nude and also go for walks in my neighborhood. I just love it, being naked is my...

Being naked

I am one of those who hates clothes and being naked makes me feel free and more alive, is that a similar feeling for others?

Nosy neighbour.

I thought I had got up early enough as I sleep naked and go outside to get my paper. This morning the paper was in the drive way a little further from the house. I looked around and it was daylight but didn't look like was anybody up. So being...

T.V. Watching

This morning on GMA, it was revealed that singing artist John Legend and his wife, American model Chrissy Teigen; enjoy watching television in the nude. Sweet ! We need more Stars to be open about this wonderful lifestyle; then maybe nudism will...

Being caught nude

We ( Pam and I ) had went to a massage and Hot tub resort and the hot tub was clothes optional so we both were nude so they came and told us our time was up and a girl asked that worked there asked if she could come in and I said yes so she came in...