Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

First Springtime Nude Drive

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It was pretty warm the other night and I needed to get gas, so it was the perfect night for a nude driving adventure. I hopped in my truck wearing only shoes and socks and took a meandering drive through the countryside (yes - I had some clothes in the vehicle). After driving a few miles I remembered that I had not secured something in the bed of my truck. I stopped and hopped out in my birthday suit to strap down some items. I was at the intersection of a 4 lane highway and there were two tractor trailers that passed me. I am not sure if they saw me in my naked glory but it was a bit of a thrill. I kept driving around and traveled over 80 miles that night. It was a very enjoyable naked drive.

In the future I want to take a long trip and arrange to travel a large portion of it at night. It would be a hoot to drive naked for two hundred miles or so. I think I am becoming addicted to this activity but I still worry about getting caught by law enforcement.

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RE:First Springtime Nude Drive

why not barefoot as well? i never cover my feet for anything anyway.

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