Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

undessed at the boot

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I probably drive naked as much as I drive dressed, so it's perfectly normal for me.

However, I normally undress when it's safe. Leaving home it's safe as I have a connecting door between the house and the garage. Only once has this been an issue as my neighbour was standing outside my garage door. He didn't seem to realise I was naked tho.

When I'm out I usually wait until it's safe and then pull up to undress. Recently I've been getting braver and undressing, or at least partly undressing before leaving where I am.

Monday night I pushed it even further. Sat on the boot with the tailgate open I removed my work boots and overalls. Noticing there was nobody else in the car park I then decided to continue undressing before slipping on Croc's, closing the boot and walked to the driver's door.

|I checked three times that I was carrying the car key before closing the boot as twice already the car has locked itself when I shut it :)

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