Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Nude driving FROM Los Angeles Calif.

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I have driven nude many times around Los Angeles, but mostly at night because there are so many people who can see into a car in traffic. People are nosey.

But, when I am on the open road. I have driven up to the Sierras to do a back pack trip, out to Phoenix , San Diego, Flagstaff, Las Vegas, and to Washington. Many years ago, I drove out to Phoenix, with a friend, who volunteered to gas up my van, and on the return trip, was at night I was able to gas up at one station that had a remote pump.

I am a people watcher normally, and in traffic, I am often looking into other cars. I have a higher profile SUV, and have seen other drivers nude in their car without a care in the world. I give them a thumbs up and smile.

On a trip down to San Diego, to see a friend, there was a pulled up beside, who was naked, I opened up my door and he laughed.

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