Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

When do you drive naked?

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I have driven completely naked at night. During the day I always keep a shirt on. I'm trying to build the courage to try a completely naked day drive. I was wondering how many here drive nude during the day. I know all the tips and tricks of covering my lap, but being naked from the waist up just seems like it would draw way too much attention and create suspicion. That's particularly true during cold weather. Anyway, night or day or both? And any words of encouragement?


Two years later I now drive completely naked regularly during the day. It feels risky, but natural since I'm naked most of the time at home anyway. I don't worry much about it. It feels too good to worry about it!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Weather permitting, I drive naked as much as possible with factory tint windows. Daytime, nighttime, doesn't matter. And no matter if I am driving my truck or car I have never seen someone's lap area. I'm sure it possible but even if it were, people driving are looking at the road and other cars and not staring into vehicles to see if the driver or passenger is naked. Even in Supermarket and other store's parking lots, people walking past or by me are watching where they are going and the cars moving near them and not the drivers and most likely it doesn't even register the driver is shirtless, much less pant-less. The only drive thru I have ever used is at my bank and then I use the outer ones with the pneumatic tubes and not the one next to the window.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I love driving naked especially in summer.No clothes at all.Makes me feel amazing!!!!!!

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I drive naked during any season. During the winter months I do usually keep a shirt on. But, during the summer I am completely clothes free. My job takes me on long trips, so I can enjoy that time also. Day or night does not matter to me. However, I also keep a pair of shorts handy just in case I am passing a school bus. If a trucker sees me it is no big deal. They have blown their horns at me on several occasions. I am sure that it is a sign of approval.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

Like the previous poster, I drive naked pretty much anywhere and any time that it's convenient. Which means a drive that's long enough that I can enjoy not climbing into and out of clothes. I drove most of a 1000 mile round trip nude in cold, gray November weather a couple of years ago, not even wearing a shirt. It's actually nicer for body temperature control to not be bundled up, where your body gets overheated in order that you don't freeze your fingers and your nose. Of course it's easier in warm weather, slipping out of shorts and tee, and I do that all the time on trips that take me out of town.

I am surprised at how little attention people pay to other drivers. Then again, I'm not paying too much attention to them either. I always cover my middle for buses, but I no longer do that when passing commercial trucks. Driving naked is just another opportunity to enjoy being free of clothes.

Stay Bare, Al

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Hey sportsdude! I haven't been here in ages, which doesn't mean I haven't been driving naked. I just saw your post from a few months back that you took my dare and got out of your car naked. I promised I would, too, if you did. I haven't yet, but plan a few drives next week. I'll give it a shot!

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I do both.
Today I left the office in Milwaukee late. Once got in truck I stripped down and started my 2 hour drive home. On the way there is a rest area so I stopped. There was only one car there empty so I went in to use the facilities. When I walked out the car was still there but still no one in it so I decided to stroll around the grounds a bit until I got back in and went home. It was daylight still.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

We are in dog days of summer again. Driving naked has become the norm for me in the evening. Just completed a 60 mile drive this weekend.

I used to get nervous when I saw or heard emergency vehicles. Now I realize they are going somewhere else and I drive on by as I would normally.

I'll have to do more daytime naked driving. Ben driving topless for weeks now to gauge how many stares an old topless guy gets. None is the answer.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

After a year of not driving naked, this past few days been doing it at nights. But only after the gym to my place. Trying built courage to go to other places, expect going to work.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

So far, most all of my nude drives have been at night, mostly late, between 10PM and the wee hours of the morning. They've all been in the country/rural areas and the open interstate too, though of course I want to explore driving nude during daylight.

The one big exception was a weekday twilight drive with a friend around the office park his workplace was in. We'd spent the whole daylight day naked as the only two people in his office, and slipped out to his car bare and without bringing any clothing along, just to make a couple of laps around the office complex and the industrial road it sat on.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I drive naked as often as I can, both day and night time. I picked my girlfriend up from work the other day and I was driving naked. This was both exciting and exhilarating to me and she got in the car thought it was cute and daring at the same time. She works for the local police department. It was a great nude experience for me.

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