Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

When do you drive naked?

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I have driven completely naked at night. During the day I always keep a shirt on. I'm trying to build the courage to try a completely naked day drive. I was wondering how many here drive nude during the day. I know all the tips and tricks of covering my lap, but being naked from the waist up just seems like it would draw way too much attention and create suspicion. That's particularly true during cold weather. Anyway, night or day or both? And any words of encouragement?


Two years later I now drive completely naked regularly during the day. It feels risky, but natural since I'm naked most of the time at home anyway. I don't worry much about it. It feels too good to worry about it!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

I drive naked to laundromat usually at night or very early in the morning. I drive an SUV with the rear windows tinted dark, the front windows have the regular tint. I could be seen if you were really looking. I have also driven naked when leaving the nudist resort. I haven't driven naked to the nudist resort, that might happen this weekend.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

I drive naked quit often, I love the feeling of just riding along in the buff. I usually have a pair of shorts handy "just in Case". Driving naked is just great, plus it also keeps u under the speed limit and obey all the traffic laws u normally would not. Sometimes when i leave a job site knowing the next stop is home I"ll strip down and "get comfortable". Day or nite its always a great feeling, and even better when my wife joins me in a naked drive.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

When I had a car I used to drive naked mostly at night. I would pullover on the edge of town, strip off, then drive to a lookout over the river where I could walk a fire trail naked. Sadly I lost my car to an arson attack recently and I'm yet to replace it. If any Sydney guys see this and are interested, shoot me a message and you can join me.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I couldn't quite bring myself to drive naked during the day, only at night. Today was a warm sunny day so I took the plunge. I drove about 20 miles, windows and sunroof open. I have tinted windows, so anytime I thought someone might see in I rolled one or both of them up. I really didn't worry. I had shorts and a shirt to put on if need be. This was an amazing experience. More to come!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Got four days off so I drove home from Houston Tx to Mobile Al.
Got up about 1:15am to leave so the traffic would not be bad.
Had shorts on until I got out of the campground. Had to drop off my garbage and they have cc cams everywhere. Out the gate and no shorts. So it is dark and I was not worried about anyone seeing me. I drove 5 hours before stopping at a rest stop for a bathroom break and I put shorts and shirt on as it was crowded. It feels so free to drive without. Daylight now so I left my shirt on and pulled off my shorts and drove another two hours before stopping again.
Happy Memoral day.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Right during the middle of the day on hot, sunny days. From my truck, it just looks like I am driving with my shirt off. The only people who can see me are those driving really tall vehicles. I make it a point to speed past such folks. Ironically, the only other folks who might be able to see me are folks on bicycles. Usually, the encounter is so quick that they can't tell.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Knew you would like the nude daytime drive. The more you do this the more you can do like me, drive thru tool booths, drive thru windows, and busy downtown city streets. That's your nect dare rapidi. Now dare me to do something. I love dares.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Knew you would like the nude daytime drive. The more you do this the more you can do like me, drive thru tool booths, drive thru windows, and busy downtown city streets. That's your nect dare rapidi. Now dare me to do something. I love dares.

Well, yesterday I wasn't driving but my wife drove me naked through a drive-thru, but I suppose the doesn't count. I'm not sure I'll ever get the nerve to do that when driving or hit a busy downtown street (which I HAVE done wearing only a shirt). But I also said I might never drive completely naked during the day. So who knows?

OK, my dare for you is to get out of your car. I don't care where, just do it! You do it, I'll do it! Although I won't choose a busy downtown street!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

When I am back in Australia. Can't do in Vietnam for two reasons.
1. I don't have a car in Vietnam.
2. People would get a tad upset if I ventured out nude on the scooter.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Ok done! As I was driving to the market last week, I was naked and it was just after noon. I pulled to the back of the lot, opened my door, and walked all the way around my vehicle. Got back to driver door, got in and pulled up to a closer spot. Donned my shorts and shirt, went to the market, came back and got naked again for the ride home.

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