Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

When do you drive naked?

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I have driven completely naked at night. During the day I always keep a shirt on. I'm trying to build the courage to try a completely naked day drive. I was wondering how many here drive nude during the day. I know all the tips and tricks of covering my lap, but being naked from the waist up just seems like it would draw way too much attention and create suspicion. That's particularly true during cold weather. Anyway, night or day or both? And any words of encouragement?


Two years later I now drive completely naked regularly during the day. It feels risky, but natural since I'm naked most of the time at home anyway. I don't worry much about it. It feels too good to worry about it!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

I don't see how some of you guys drive so often, many miles, on busy roads and during the daytime. I'm always worrying about being stopped or seen. That's even when I know I can't be seen. I go out only rarely, at night and on two lane roads. My windows are now so tinted I know I can't been seen at night or even during the daytime. But I still doubt I can muster the courage to do this regularly during the day. Those of you that do amaze me. I applaud your boldness. Maybe I'll get there. It's at least a goal!

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Don't get me wrong, there is always a worry, on long distances I have shorts within arms reach if I need them, I drive an SUV and my windows are tinted all the way around

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RE: When do you drive naked?

You only live once, right? :). My tints are all around and dark. Honestly, if I wanted to I could drive stark naked through a crowd of people and they'd not.see anything.. When I drive naked at night I sit on a robe I can slip on quickly and I take clothes. I've driven during the day bottomless, keeping a wrap nearby. All I have to do now is add topless to the bottomless during the daytime! Maybe I need a dare.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Mostly when it is still dark out and most often early AM hours. Once the sun comes up I get a little nervous about truckers and other high vehicles seeing me. I think I need to tint my windows dark as others have said.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Consider this a dare rapidi! As I said in my previous post, I drive anytime, day or night. Busy streets or empty, it doesn't matter. See my profile pics for some nude driving pics.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

Ok, sportsdude, I'll do it. It may be a while before I do, like spring or summer so a naked torso doesn't look so strange, but, again, my windows are so dark I doubt I'd be seen anyway. Being relatively new to this, I need time to acclimate, although I am truly addicted. Who knows? Next for me is a naked night drive on 50 or so miles of backroads around me. I plan to leave naked and return naked, something I've never done before. After that my addiction may make day driving irresistible. Your dare adds to the fun! Thanks.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

With dark tinted windows, there will little chance of any issue. It has been really cold here, 40 degrees, and I drove naked to the store the other day and back home. I drive an SUV, but was totally naked and even got out of vehicle in park lot to retrieve something I dropped under the seat. I dare you to drive naked daytime before this week ends. When you complete this, you will realize the fun and rush you get. After you complete, dare me something. I enjoy doing dares.

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RE: When do you drive naked?

My windows are tinted, so I drive nude e Rey time, even on very short drives. It gets hot here, so t-shirt and shorts are normal and only take a second to remove it out on. Anything more than half a mile and I'm nude,

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RE: When do you drive naked?

I have driven completely naked at night. During the day I always keep a shirt on. I'm trying to build the courage to try a completely naked day drive. I was wondering how many here drive nude during the day. I know all the tips and tricks of covering my lap, but being naked from the waist up just seems like it would draw way too much attention and create suspicion. That's particularly true during cold weather. Anyway, night or day or both? And any words of encouragement?

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RE: When do you drive naked?

With dark tinted windows, there will little chance of any issue. It has been really cold here, 40 degrees, and I drove naked to the store the other day and back home. I drive an SUV, but was totally naked and even got out of vehicle in park lot to retrieve something I dropped under the seat. I dare you to drive naked daytime before this week ends. When you complete this, you will realize the fun and rush you get. After you complete, dare me something. I enjoy doing dares.

Hi Sportsdude! I can't believe I've not checked back on this topic for so long. I've certainly checked in elsewhere. Anyway, I just saw your dare. This week won't work, but next week I'll finally do it. My daytime naked drive may be short. I'll need to put my toe in the water to test the temperature before I get in! I've driven naked at night a few times since my last post here, but still haven't mustered the courage for a day drive. Your dare has put me in the mood to try! Thanks! I'll be back after I do it to let you know how it goes. I get an incredible rush doing it at night. The rush of just thinking about doing it during daylight is almost as good!

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