Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Getting caught driving nude.

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Has anyone ever been caught driving nude.. pulled over by the police or been in an accident while nude? Would love to hear what happened.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

I have been driving nude from the age of 16, but riding as a passenger nude from a younger age than that. I will use cruise control when possible and try to stay in the right lane. On occasion I do need to pass slower moving vehicles and I know many have seen me sitting nude in my car, some even honk and give me thumbs up. Mainly truckers, because they sit so much higher. I keep a loose fitting pair of shorts handy and flip flops so I can get shoes and shorts on before the officer could get to me. The best was driving fully nude in my convertible. No way of hiding anything from anyone who has a higher vehicle.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

It's not illegal to drive naked, you are in your car so it is private property and there is nothing the police can do unless you step out of the car naked. ;) check your local laws.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

I had a friend yesterday drive from Davenport Iowa to Chicago on I-80 in a large SUV. Somewhere along the trip they looked over and realized the man in the small car next to them was totally naked! I wondered if it was one of my TN friend enjoying the spring sun!! Stay naked, the world is watching!

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

I had a friend yesterday drive from Davenport Iowa to Chicago on I-80 in a large SUV. Somewhere along the trip they looked over and realized the man in the small car next to them was totally naked! I wondered if it was one of my TN friend enjoying the spring sun!! Stay naked, the world is watching!

First time I have seen a report like yours. Are your friends nudists or nude friendly? They are your friends, after all :). But with some of my recent experiences being spotted while driving naked, I am curious to get even one random impression from someone who spotted a naked driver.

No, it wasn't me. I was 300 miles north, watching the snow finally melt. Have a great bare weekend.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Possibly seen once Thai know of. Truck driver ad a surprised look if did I see that. That was on the way to olive fell for a 5k. Today we are sou g the trip again. We'll see what happens
Gased up shorts off leaving station.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

No not by the police nor from an accident. I guess I've been lucky and I make an effort to drive safely/legally when naked. I have ben caught by my neighbours, having to get out of my car still naked. I've also found myself at a manned toll booth while naked. Those booths are set high to serve trucks as well as cars so the lady in the toll booth got a good view. It didn't put her off at all.

Does anyone have any other experiences theyd like to share with driving nude through a toll booth? What were the reactions from the toll collectors, if any? Thanks for sharing!

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Last year in pa and ny. No reactions. Either not noticed or have seen it all before. Most seem like drones. $$$ thank you (if lucky)]

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Ha ha

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Does anyone have any other experiences theyd like to share with driving nude through a toll booth? What were the reactions from the toll collectors, if any? Thanks for sharing!

I have driven naked through a number of toll booths in Portugal and Spain. Most are automatic. Those that are manned are set high so the toll officer gets a good view down into the car. Apart from a moment's hesitation I have never had any reaction. They just take the money, wave me on my way and move onto the next car.

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RE:Getting caught driving nude.

Define "getting caught". Does getting caught mean pulled over by the police, or just seen by other drivers? I have driven the length of I-95 from PA to FL, I-40 from Norfolk to Western NC nude, and often drive nude between home and work or other short excursions. I have always had a pair of shorts handy to cover up in situations that seem to warrant the need to cover up, and sit on a towel. I have been seen by truckers and other drivers. Usually in higher sitting cars or SUVs.
It seems to me that if people aren't expecting to see nude drivers they don't notice, most people are in their own world and don't notice their surroundings as much as they should, that's another subject.
I have heard stories of people in FL being caught driving nude and arrested. I have never heard of the final results of said arrest though. I think that probably there was more going on the car than just simple nudity.
After all...I think most people on the highway don't really care what the attire of the other drivers is.
Anyway, nudity is not an accepted attire when in public in most places in the USA. Just because you're in your car does not provide an expectation of privacy (IMHO). So one needs to be careful.
I have been seen often and have had many passing experiences as mentioned, fortunately, I suppose, the ones that have "caught" me just considered it a welcome break to the monotony of a long drive. It certainly, for me makes the drive more enjoyable.

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