Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Drive to the beach

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If Im having a nude beach day I love to drive there nude, park up and walk to the beach nude...with nothing but my towel and book ...bliss !

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RE:Drive to the beach

Best way to do it.

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RE:Drive to the beach

If Im having a nude beach day I love to drive there nude, park up and walk to the beach nude...with nothing but my towel and book ...bliss !

Wouldn't work for me for 2 reasons.
I drive a convertible with the top down.
The parking lot is across the main park road from the beach.

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RE:Drive to the beach

If Im having a nude beach day I love to drive there nude, park up and walk to the beach nude...with nothing but my towel and book ...bliss !Wouldn't work for me for 2 reasons.I drive a convertible with the top down.The parking lot is across the main park road from the beach.

If I had a convertible I would drive it naked with the top down because unless I was been held up in traffic or having to drive beside a higher vehicle there is a very low chance anybody will be able to see I was naked as if I was doing 30 mph and another vehicle was doing the same speed the other way the closing speed will be just under 30 yards a second so no way they will be able to tell I was naked. Also when going pass someone very slowly who is walking it is very hard for the walker to see you are nude as different times a car has gone pass me with the top down and I have tried to look and I cant really tell that easy and so normal people will be able to tell you are topless but not naked. Yes in the USA you have far more sad people who will more like to complain you if you are caught out.

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RE:Drive to the beach

If I lived in England, Spain or some other country that was relatively nude tolerant, I would too.
In warm weather, I often only wear one item of clothing when driving my convertible, usually shorts, but I have driven in a swim brief.
The sun and air on almost my entire body feels great, but I know that being completely nude would feel even better.
However, with the intolerance of nudity here in the US it is not worth the risk.

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