Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

When do you drive naked?

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I have driven completely naked at night. During the day I always keep a shirt on. I'm trying to build the courage to try a completely naked day drive. I was wondering how many here drive nude during the day. I know all the tips and tricks of covering my lap, but being naked from the waist up just seems like it would draw way too much attention and create suspicion. That's particularly true during cold weather. Anyway, night or day or both? And any words of encouragement?


Two years later I now drive completely naked regularly during the day. It feels risky, but natural since I'm naked most of the time at home anyway. I don't worry much about it. It feels too good to worry about it!

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RE:When do you drive naked?

My times of driving naked have been limited and only within the past 2 years. Last year I read online where someone said that they spent their entire birthday wearing their birthday suit and I thought it would be a good thing to incorporate into our lives. A few days late was going to be my wife's birthday so I suggested it to her and she agreed to try it if I was willing. She doubted that I would actually try it because we planned to travel to the nudist resort over 2 hours away from our house for her birthday. Even though we had recently come to enjoy nudism, she doubted I would be willing to let people in vehicles see her topless as we traveled. I figured we would try it as my full sized pickup truck has a lift kit on it and tinted windows.

Therefore, we packed the truck while naked and took off on our naked journey. Our plans got halted when we came to some road construction and a flag man. She put on a shirt because we had to stop and drive slowly past him. Then she stripped back down and we continued our journey. We got dressed once we decided we needed to purchase some supplies before arriving at the resort so for about 30 minutes in the store parking lot and inside the store, we were dressed. Came back to the truck and stripped off again.

When we left the resort a few days later, we never put a stich of clothing on until the next day after we got home.

I have also driven a mile or so down the road when checking my vehicle out for needed maintenance or to just check out something in the neighborhood. It was even more fun to get on our atv and driving down the road to get to a field and ride around it at night time.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

Congrats! A large leap to take initially but like you said, it feels natural eventually.
I drive naked day or night. Last Sunday drove from Chicago to Cleveland nude.
Heading back to Chicago today and will be nude. I really doubt anyone can see me in my SUV with tinted windows.,

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RE:When do you drive naked?

Well if I am alone in the car and it will be easy for me to get dressed when I get there a lot when warm enough such as taking garden rubbish out to the recycling place if I am nude when loading the car I drive there and only put my shorts on when there and take them off again after getting into the car. Last evening I had to take Mum into the A&E and finding out Mum will be more than an hour I decided to drive home so soon as I got into the car I striped off and on the way to collect Mum I was nude until I was about 100 yards from picking Mum up and got dressed then. So yes I am doing more nude driving than I used to do even for short journeys.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I drive naked to and from naturist hikesand am beginning to drive more often without clothes. Its liberating and fun. I always keep something handy to cover myself with if a bus or lorry passes me but Im becoming more confident about public nudity now.

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I try to drive naked almost all the time expressly when I go on long trips. I just keep shirt and shorts in the passenger's seat just in case I have to put them on like stopping to eat or get gas for the truck. I just make sure that I stay away from Tractor-trailer's because they can look down into your cab. I cover the seat with a towel so that I don't stick to the seat on a nice hot day. I just love the feel of not wearing clothes that stick to your skin in a very hot day.

Chris :)

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I used to drive naked at night. It was exciting leaving the house and walking to the Car in the drive and then being out and about. Not done that for ages.
I have a saloon car and a sports convertible now. Not sure I would take the Porsche out naked. Might spoil the engaging nature of the drive. Its a carvyou can fling around!

Executive box with tints however has me thinking it would be cool.

Anyone in the midlands UK interested in a naked evening convoy?

Alternatively, I have 3 very comfortable passenger seats in which you could join me...

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RE:When do you drive naked?

I go for drives naked 2 or 3 times a week around Cambridge

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