Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

If not nude, then what?

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Obviously there comes a level of risk with driving nude. Also the logistics can be a bit of a bother, especially during the day time.
If you can't be completely nude, then whats your alternative?
I usually freeball in loose footy shorts (aussies will know) and pull them right up so my junk can sit free outside of the shorts, that way if you need to stop or get out, covering up is no effort at all...
any other suggestions?

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RE: If not nude, then what?

a sarong works for me. Living in South Africa it is only possible to drive naked on longer trips because there are beggars and street vendors at every steet corner or traffic light.

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RE: If not nude, then what?

I recently bought a pair of shorts made of sweatshirt material. It shows well when I freeball. It has pockets, so I can keep my wallet, etc handy. Best of all, it's easy to slide them up and down as I drive, so I can be exposed or not, depending on the traffic.

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RE: If not nude, then what?

I don't get it. What's the level of risk of which you speak? I have driven nude for many miles anyconsequences of risk that I have experienced were brought onby my own actions. If you just drive down the road nude and don't bring attention to yourself then most people will not notice. It's good to have an out for the rare instance that you may need to pull over but hey, that's kind of a no brainer.I drive nude usually when on longer trips sometimes around town but not often because on town trips I'm usually running an errand. On the Interstates truckers may see you because theyhave that vantage point. But they usually just toot for fun or don't do anythingat all. They do sometimes give other drivers a"check the seat covers" warning.That is the only time I have ever experienced any awkwardness.

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