Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

How dedicated are you to driving nude?

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Forgive me but I will be asking this in all the driving nude groups I am in.

I started thinking about this the other day when I was on the way to work and pulled over at my usual spot to take off my cloths.
During the cooler months, usually late November through Mid-March, I have to add about 15 minutes to my commute to allow for time to undress and redress before getting to my destination.
Summer is not so bad because I can go out to the car in just shorts which I take off before getting on my way.
I have been doing this going to and coming from every job I have had since about 1985.
I do not remember the last time I drove to work with cloths on.

I there anyone else who drives nude on a regular bases that you cannot imagine not driving nude?

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RE:How dedicated are you to driving nude?

Before COVID-19, I'd drive nude or bottomless all the time for trips over 15 minutes long. Doesn't matter what temperature it was outside. (Okay, honestly, 20F/7C was usually a cut off for me.)

More of a safety thing than dedication though. Clothing irritates me and causes me a lot of distractions if I wear them for too long. Need to be able to focus to drive safely.

Always sat on half a towel with the other half ready to flip over my lap. Trousers ready to pull up when needed. Never got into any problems.

With COVID and lockdowns, all my trips are under 15 minutes and all combined into one day. It's not worth the trouble of getting undressed when I'd get dressed again 5 minutes later.

Totally different story if I could walk from my house to my car nude.

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