Deaf Nudists Deaf

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Where, Which, When......

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Which beach do you enjoy most?
Where beach do you like to go to?
When is good time to go to the beach??
Any recommendations for others to enjoy being nudist without hassled and all of that, you know?


It doesn't mean we will MEET on purpose or planned or whatever...
just it is nice to know anyone else have an amazing experiences on any kind of the beaches...

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RE: Where, Which, When......

So far, I enjoy

PERFECT TIMING: EARLY MORNING, having grill to make delicious breakfast right under the sun then following the afternoon to have an amazing gourmet lunch then play on the sand and swim in the ocean... then in the evening, good dinner at beach front of sunset,, then later on, party on with friends.. beer and s'mores by bonfire, CHAMP experiences for me and my friends.... how about you??? :)
how often I do these ?? 5 times during summer time... 2 if I get lucky in fall season (fly out to warm places or visiting private resorts with luxurious) ONCE in winter time, by visiting in tropical environment. In springtime, once at beach somewhere in warm places!!!!!
When I am NOT able to attend any BEACHES, I usually LOVE to attend INDOOR nudist parties with friends over cocktails and dancing, etc etc :)

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RE: Where, Which, When......

Which beach do you enjoy most? I haven't go Nude Beach yet. I would like to go there.
Where beach do you like to go to?I would go to Black Beach or any nude beach in East Coast.
When is good time to go to the beach??Any Time. I am trying go there. I am from Rochester, NY that doesn't have nude beach. I go to Empire Haven Nudist Park in Mariova NY near Auburn, NY. Keep in Touch!!!

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RE: Where, Which, When......

I went to Haulover beach once in FL on my vacation as you saw my profile picture. It was nice beach. Secondly, we sneak out on the beach by the Michigan Lake in Northwest coast. That is all. I really want to go to nude beach someday. Smile.

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RE:Where, Which, When......

I have gone to Blacks beach when I lived down there, and enjoyed going many times. I now live in LA County and in the mountains, so mostly a Home nudist and an occasional nude hiker on the BLM of Angeles National forest

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RE:Where, Which, When......

About all I can suggest is the Korean spas, while the common areas are textile, the nude areas are the sauna/hot pool areas, the locker rooms. I can recommend a few to go to, and one I do not suggest!

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