Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

It was a beautiful mild evening (about 25) and since I have the day off I decided it would be a great evening to take a spin on my new bike. I rode about 2 km down the street to where our recreational pathway is and headed north. I expected more people to be out but it was really fairly quiet. I crossed one dead-end roadway, one main roadway (where I think one of the cars going by notice), and across a bridge to connect to the path again. I then rode down a hill, across a set of tracks, along a roadway for a bit before turning around. I thought about going further. I would have come up to a city street that's a little busier that I would have had to ride along for a short bit before crossing and continuing on the pathway but 20 km was enough for one way. On the way back I did the route in reverse except for the last two kilometres. I decided that since we're running out of nice warm evenings riding all the way back home naked was in order. I had to cross a bridge where one pickup was waiting at the light, cut through a parking lot, head up a residential street where there was a car siting with it's lights on that I had to go by. Then turn the corner and head by a bar with an outdoor patio and a few people having a drink and a car approaching from behind as I approached the red traffic light. I didn't wait for the light. Once I turned the corner I went by a convenience store with a couple of young women sitting outside by the sidewalk who starting laughing after I went by. After that I turned into the residential area I live in, down one street, and into my driveway. Great ride. About 40 km total distance. My furthest yet naked.
If I have done it correctly this google map will show my route:https://goo.gl/maps/94mRj

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RE: Naked Cycling

Oh, that's great, Stickman!

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Naked Cycling

Stopped to take a pic while out riding.

A night ride.

Taking advantage of some country bike trails.

We rode for sometime with no problems. It was very enjoyable.

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RE: Naked Cycling

Great photos, Nakednhappy.

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RE: Naked Cycling

I was always fascinated by the thought of naked cycling. And was highly motivated by the picture of nakednhappy where the cyclist is riding in broad day light.
I used to wonder where and when I will be able to do this!!!
In the first week of July me and my wife went to a sea beach, which was around 4 hours drive from our place. It was a quiet beach and as we went there on Monday there was no rush of tourists. I thought that this would be my place for nude cycling. then I started looking for a place from where I can hire a cycle. But there was no such place.
Then one morning ...all alone i was doing my usual morning prayer on the beach and I saw a fisherman coming through the beach. I stopped him and requested if he can lend me his cycle for half an hour.
Though he did not know me but still he agreed.
I took off my tee and rode on it in my shorts only. I cycled for 10 min and reached a site where there was no one visible in 2 km radius. I took off my shorts and started nude cycling.
My dream came true.....

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RE: Naked Cycling

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RE: Naked Cycling

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RE: Naked Cycling

After 2/3 rounds I became a bit more daring and approached a part of the beach where there were few people who could see me from distance....

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RE: Naked Cycling

Great to see photos of people cycling.

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RE: Naked Cycling

When I was takeing my boat through the French canals to the med, after a long day on the boat. I often went for a bike ride along the toe parth for some excersice, naked of course.On these rides I often met others walking or rideing along the paths, but they would just wave or greet me in french.Tryed to put photo on but cant seem to make it work sorry.

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RE: Naked Cycling

Great ride Stickman. Hey nudenhappy, great photos. I remember you two well from another site lol. You both are looking good.

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