Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Daring Nude Driving

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Someone posted elsewhere on this site that the most daring way to drive nude was in a Jeep with the doors and roof off.
Has anyone here done so?
If you have, where?

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

I don't own a Jeep, but have driven naked in my sports car with the top down. It's a very low car, meaning anyone in the lane beside me could potentially look down and see plenty. I've done this a couple of times, late at night when there's less traffic.

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

Never tried it in a Jeep, but I did drive nude in a Mustang convertible with the top down years ago From Ft Lauderdale to Key West when there were still toll booths on the Florida Turnpike. Went through a toll booth and the woman there took a long time to make change and as I was leaving said "Thank you for making my day"

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

I love driving nude, have done it in a motorhome with a huge front window, my car, an outback, and a company van. Usually, I am driving to the use campground neat me. I know I have been seen, but no one ever made a fuss.

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

I love driving nude, have done it in a motorhome with a huge front window, my car, an outback, and a company van. Usually, I am driving to the use campground neat me. I know I have been seen, but no one ever made a fuss.
Have also driven our motor home nude. Except for a passing trucker, who never looks, nobody can see my lap.

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

few years ago I used to work in night shifts and would return from work around 5-6 AM in the morning. as it would be dark with not much traffic on road, I used to drive naked from my office to home. no moon roof ventures but there was one spot where I would park and walk out of the car naked for a quick walk around the road side.

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

No Jeep but my better half rides on the back of my Harley topless.

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RE:Daring Nude Driving

During the summer months I use the cloth top and doors on my Jeep. On the highway I usually take the top, doors and my clothes off while driving. Last summer while driving across Canada I also removed the side panels as well. It was incredible driving totally exposed like that. The beauty of Canada is that its such an incredibly vast unoccupied area. I was able to drive for four days straight totally naked. I stopped at roadside rest areas for meals and breaks. When tired, Id just recline my seat and close my eyes. It was a great trip. If I saw a nice lake Id pull over, slide into my flip flops, grab my paddle board off the roof rack and go for a paddle. The only time I wasnt naked was when going through major cities or drive throughs. Even then all I would have on was a pair of skorts.
Driving naked is the best way to drive.

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