Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

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Who makes their preference for being nude known in a public, non-nudist setting.
I am asking because one of the members of a community band I am in has worn t shirts expressing his interest in nude recreation, as well as ones from Gunnison and Haulover.
I am not that daring about it and wondered if others were .

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

Just about all our friends already know. I have bumper stickers/magnets, too. The small print on the NWP-CWP magnet is still large enough to read when stopped at a traffic light. I've seen people notice them, but only two people asked about them so far.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

I've had Naturist Society stickers on my last few cars - from "I'd rather be naked" to "Barefoot all over", as well as the N logo.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

Everyone around me knows I'm a nudist. We talk about it often. At a dinner party the other night those around me said they expected me to take my clothes off. I didn't, I just danced (attempting the Seltzer). I've just got a Nudefest sticker for my car.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

When I have to wear clothes a couple of my favorite t-shirts are ones with nudist things on them. I have several from Turtle Lake Nudist Resort for doing their 5 k walk / run. Plus one that says " We are all just nudists in disguise " That one has gotten many comments, mostly positive. Several others also have nudist themes. I also leave issues of AANR magazine around and have some literature and other mementos with nudist things laying on display. I don't have anything on my car for any subject. Just never been a bumper stickers on my car, but I enjoy reading them on other vehicles. I make no secret in conversation that I enjoy nude time and openly recorded my nude antics in my travel blog.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

I don't have any nudist type signage per say, but I regularly see a guy with a landscaping business with the license plate 'Skyclad1'. I thought that was cool. I'd love to have a conversation with him.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

AANR and TNS stickers on our cars, routinely wear t shirts from our nude beach, nudist clubs and resorts we've visited, AANR and TNS publications around the house, nude art and some pictures of us, my wife and pics of our grandkids skinny dipping in our pool when they were younger. Yeah... we advertise our Nudist Lifestyle. My wife's screen saver on her computer is of all of us, naked in the water at Club Orient. Though a prop and some strategically placed hands and arms block nipples and pubic areas, it's no secret we're all nude!

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

Not a lot but my main beach towel I like to use is from Laguna Del Sol and I periodically wear a shirt from Cypress Cove that clearly says nudist resort. I also have some framed inspirational type pictures 8x10 and somewhat larger in my office at home that are pictures of people on a nude beach or doing everyday tasks like hanging laundry to dry with sayings like So whats the point of swimsuits? or Home, where clothing is optional . Copies of N magazine are not hidden either.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

Oh yea, how could I forget?

We also have copies of N magazine and the AANR bulletin in the house. A sign on a tree in our back yard that has our names and "Nude Cruisers". That Genesis 2:25 magnet I showed on my car is also on the front door. And, we have a sign on the garage door that says "Nudist Parking Only". That sign is easy to see and read from the road.

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RE:Advertising Nudist Lifestyle

I have a "Nudist" magnet on my front door to let everyone know. I'm not necessarily broadcasting my life, but since I live in an apartment complex, just giving a heads up that if you knock on my door, I may answer either naked or the very least in some underwear.

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