Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

Interesting day

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Although I have enjoyed being nude for a while now. Have driven nude before. Yesterday was special. as a part time job, I transport non emergence medical patients. Yesterday, the sun was shinning temp. in mid 80s. Dropped my last client at her home. All I was wearing at the time was gym shorts and a tee shirt. After she was securely in her hope, I felt the need for nudity. Before getting back into company van I decided to remove the 2 pieces of clothing for a naked drive home. About 45 minutes. As I was leaving, I remembered seeing a "scenic over look" that seemed like it my be a bit secluded. A good place to get some sun on pale white body. I found the turn off, followed up a road for about a half mile. To my surprise, there were several walking trails with picnic areas, all leading in several different directions. I decided to drive to the actual overlook . There were no other cars around until I got to the spot I thought would be nice to catch some rays. Ahh, there was a van parked there with a couple seeming near my age. I decided to go back and try a trail. Grabbed mt shorts and tee and started out for a nude nature walk. Figuring that if anyone else drove to that area I could cover up. well, no need for that. I walked to first picnic areas. it was very buggy, gnats and other flying insects. Decided to take a couple of selfies before the walk back to the van. Got a few pics which are posted on my page, than headed for van. slapping those gnats all the way. I decided to try the main overlook again. Beautiful view of Mississippi River over HWY 35 here in Wi. not far from Genoa lock and dam. The van was still there. I parked thinking it would be a great place for more nude selfies. As I sat there wondering if I could use the van cor cover and snap a few with river in background the thought came to me to ask the couple to snap some for me. I pulled shorts and tee on, walked over to the van. I was greeted by the male of the couple. I asked if they would mind taking some photo of me. They agreed. Than i said it would be for a nudist publication and that I would be naked. There was some hesitation but they agreed. I took shirt and shorts off right there. set up my phone for pics and handed it to the lady. For the next 10 minutes we were happily snapping pictures with the river and other scenery behind me. She seemed to enjoy as mush as I did. When we finished ans satisfied with the pics, she said that this was surely a first. So I offered to have them take a few more with their phones so they can prove the story. They thought that would be great. The shot more of me. Then some with each of them in the in photo with me. after another 10 minutes of photos, it was time to head out. I thanked them both, shook the man's hand then turned to his wife and offered my hand . She suggested a hug instead. That was fine with me. As we hugged, she had her hands on my ass gently pinching my ass. After the hug and a kiss on cheek I turned to leave. He than showed me the last pic he took, It was of me hugging his wife. Her hands on my bare as cheek. we laughed a bit and parted company. By the way,I returned the favor of ass grab by placing my hands firmly on her ass. As I finished my naked drive home thinking about the chance meeting with a smile on my face. I did offer to have them get naked for pics with me. but was nicely turned down. I plan to stop there again in hopes of another chance meeting. wonderful nude afternoon.

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RE:Interesting day

Nice day! Good to find folks willing to try that.

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RE:Interesting day

great story good job on your bold approach to the couple.

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