Daring Nudists!!

For nudists who are not afraid of trying anything new! Such as getting naked at work after everyone leaves, streaking, Driving a car naked...Fun things that might get us into trouble that excites us. And please feel free to write about the craziest thing you done in the nude :)

First Nude Drive

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I wont really count it because I was coming back fromWhat A Burger and it was dark but I still enjoyed it. HopefullyI can take a drive tomorrow during the day without any problems
My question is will I get in trouble for going through a drive thru naked?I think thats what Im going to be doing. Still need someone to helptake the pics though

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RE: First Nude Drive

Unless you are in a vehicle high up enough so the person at the drive thru can not see that you're naked ... no problem. If you are not and they can see that you are naked ... you're only asking for trouble and it actually goes against what your "handle" tells others. You're not a TrueNude but more an exhibitionist, if you are going through a drive thru with the intent of the employee seeing that you're naked. I wouldn't do it. I have gone through the drive thru naked but I drive a high profile truck 99.9% of the time ... I'm sitting higher than the person is standing. For those times when I am not, I ensure I'm covered. ;-)

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RE: First Nude Drive

yeah not a good idea, my first nude drive i was loading my van after day at nudist camp and started to put my shirt on but changed my mind threw it back in the back grabbed my keys and soon driving out the gate nude. it was getting dusk and my windows were tinted but the mistake i made once i reached the interstate was all my clothes were in the back and if stopped i was in trouble so i headed the back roads toward home and between towns the windows were down and i was enjoying the breeze. i managed to get home and have driven a few times nude but that was the most memorable.

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RE: First Nude Drive

Done many drives nude and will do many more. have done a few during the day around 4 in the afternoon leaving work on a long trip to go see my cousin. and used to always drive nude to the nude beach. have also done drive thru nude once before but was in a 4wd so sat nice and high and the staff could not see me.

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RE: First Nude Drive

Im far from an exhibitionist andvoyeurso please dont get the wrong idea.I wouldnt go through the drive thru nude for the sake of it. If im driving nudeand get hungry i will make the stop but doing it in a car not wise at all, which iswhy i didnt do it lol. I was wondering if i would get in trouble for it though sobeing in a high vehicle would be the best way to go. I will be taking more frequentnude drives now though. I enjoyed it. If I were so lucky to have fellow nudists to driveto or friends that didnt care. I would drive to them naked and walk in naked. But that wouldbe at night time its still nude time. Where I am is pretty quiet at night so doing that wouldntbe a problem

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RE: First Nude Drive

I've driven nude many times. My first drives were door to door up the M1 motorway from Milton Keynes , through Leeds and into Harrogate - 188 miles. I did it once each way each week 21 years ago. At that time the M1 stopped at Leeds and my route took me through Leedsclose to the city centre. It took me right through the centre of Harrogate too. I had thought nobody could see down into my car - except maybe the odd padestrian when I was held up at traffic lights. Later, when on a coach trip, I realised that all the passengers could see very clearly. They got a good view of my lower body. I guess lorry drivers got the same view. A few times there were hold-ups with myself in one of 3 streams of traffic moving slowly alongside each other. Plenty of time to look around but my clothes were not within reach.

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RE: First Nude Drive

I think those that enjoy driving naked need to really think about what type of vehicle they are in, where they are, the type of traffic around them ( their surroundings) and ... really need to be prepared to cover "if necessary." I've read a few posts where naked drivers don't have anything nearby to cover and one even stated he had put his clothes in the trunk of the car. I've been driving naked for almost 40 years and except for 1 time ... I've always had clothing in the vehicle with me ... within arms reach. Since that 1 time ... each of the cars I drive and drive naked ... has extra clothing in a bag. I drove off from this house to the house we sold to fix a few things and drove off without the shorts and t shirt I had left on the counter in the garage. I had to return home and get fuel, while naked, because I had nothing to wear ... BUT ... had I not had dark tinted windows in the truck ... I still sit on a 1/2 towel when driving our cars. I can use that for covering but wasn't going to work to pump fuel. hahaha Just be smart and keep a pair of shorts handy. Just cuz the shorts are in reach ... doesn't make you any less a nudist or a nudist that likes to drive naked. Keep them close and avoid trouble. :D

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RE: First Nude Drive

My truck has an extra pair of shorts within reach at all times... If I'm getting pulled over, the cop may ask what I was doing but I'm sure I could just say as I was stopping my cell phone dropped off the seat..... (Has always been my plan but never needed it)
I drive naked quite a bit... I can't near home ;/... I live downtown, and there is always someone within sight any hour...
I drive a Chevy 1-Ton, so it's lifted a little, but no tented windows.... Sure wish I did... I'd never drive dressed.....
Maybe I should think of that as an upgrade and do it? haha
I have made use of rest areas and such as well naked while no one is around... Knowing that I'm on camera somewhere most likely... But just going about it like I'm not doing anything wrong...
I've only been caught once, and that was by a trucker that was in such a hurry to get to the rest room as I was that he didn't look his best either.... I know places now that it likely to be safe, as I travel and make sure to stop at them every time I go through the different routes....

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RE: First Nude Drive

I have driven my classic muscle car naked. Usually at night but even a few times in mid afternoon. It's been when we were returning home from the club. I will weara hawaiian shirt and keep it unbuttoned. I always stay in the slow lane. If a truck or bus come by ... I simply grab my shorts from between us and place them over my lap til the truck or bus pass. I've looked up at the bus windows and although you can see down into the front seat of cars you are passing, I've noticed that many people don't even look down ... but it only takes one. Several months ago, we purchased my dad's motorhome and I drove it home from his storage lot, in the nude. Now that's a kick. I love driving our motorhome naked and look forward to many road trips where we both can be naked in the motorhome while traveling. :D

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RE: First Nude Drive

Okay ... so it's almost 9 pm. I just returned from the gas station where I filled up my wife's car. I took my mesh shorts but didn't wear them. I wore a flannel shirt on top and it was unbuttoned and I got out and pumped her fuel and filled the tank. Though I didn't stand out there while it filled, I started pumping and ended pumping without shorts, in an unbuttoned flannel shirt and flip flops. Cool night! Before I got home, stopped at the "gang style" mail boxes and got our mail, the same way. :D Ya just gotta be aware of your surroundings and have a plan in case someone comes by in their car. ;-)

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